Calibration of TUG data


       In this page you will find some information about how to calibrate a data taken from TUG using IRAF. Throughout the document it will be assumed that the reader is already familiar with CCD data reduction.

       Before starting to make the calibration it would be good for you to extract the properties of the fits files came from TUG since they do not have a proper naming convention. To do this for an amount of data you can use the IDL script i have written (

       In order to start an Iraf session you can use the given commands below or a little script to both go to the iraf login directory, start-up the DS9 and the iraf session (iraf_startup_script) in an xgterm.
To start an Iraf session you can use the :

$ cl

command in the IRAF login directory. If you want to use graphical interfaces you should execute cl in an xgterm. I would also suggest you to start DS9 before starting the IRAF session.

      We first begin by bias and flat combining :

cl> noao
cl> imred
cl> ccdred

      You can always display the images by the

cl> display image.fits 1

    First we will need to combine the bias frames to create a superbias by taking the median values, using the zerocombine task of iraf

cc> epar zerocombine

PACKAGE = ccdred
   TASK = zerocombine
input   =               b*.fit  List of zero level images to combine
(output =           super_bias) Output zero level name
(combine=               median) Type of combine operation
(reject =               minmax) Type of rejection
(ccdtype=                     ) CCD image type to combine
(process=                   no) Process images before combining?
(delete =                   no) Delete input images after combining?
(clobber=                   no) Clobber existing output image?
(scale  =                 none) Image scaling
(statsec=                     ) Image section for computing statistics
(nlow   =                    0) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh  =                    1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep  =                    1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip  =                  yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma =                   3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma =                   3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise=                  3.0) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain   =                  1.5) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise =                   0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(pclip  =                 -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(blank  =                   0.) Value if there are no pixels
(mode   =                   ql)

        After editing the parameter file we can execute the tool by the command below :

cc> zerocombine

       We should also create the lists of the files we will use. To create the lists you can use the little script i have written (lister) or just use the ls commands with the appropriate parameters. Here i have created the flat.lis and data.lis files as the lists of the flat and image files.

       Now we will subtract the bias images from the flat files, and combine the flat files to create a super flat which will be used to normalize the data.

cc> epar ccdproc

PACKAGE = ccdred
   TASK = ccdproc
images  =            @flat.lis  List of CCD images to correct
(output =              @bf.lis) List of output CCD images
(ccdtype=                     ) CCD image type to correct
(max_cac=                    0) Maximum image caching memory (in Mbytes)
(noproc =                   no) List processing steps only?

(fixpix =                   no) Fix bad CCD lines and columns?
(oversca=                   no) Apply overscan strip correction?
(trim   =                   no) Trim the image?
(zerocor=                  yes) Apply zero level correction?
(darkcor=                   no) Apply dark count correction?
(flatcor=                   no) Apply flat field correction?
(illumco=                   no) Apply illumination correction?
(fringec=                   no) Apply fringe correction?
(readcor=                   no) Convert zero level image to readout correction?
(scancor=                   no) Convert flat field image to scan correction?
(readaxi=                 line) Read out axis (column|line)
(fixfile=                     ) File describing the bad lines and columns
(biassec=                     ) Overscan strip image section
(trimsec=                     ) Trim data section
(zero   =           super_bias) Zero level calibration image
(dark   =                     ) Dark count calibration image
(flat   =                     ) Flat field images
(illum  =                     ) Illumination correction images
(fringe =                     ) Fringe correction images
(minrepl=                   1.) Minimum flat field value
(scantyp=            shortscan) Scan type (shortscan|longscan)
(nscan  =                    1) Number of short scan lines

(interac=                   no) Fit overscan interactively?
(functio=             legendre) Fitting function
(order  =                    1) Number of polynomial terms or spline pieces
(sample =                    *) Sample points to fit
(naverag=                    1) Number of sample points to combine
(niterat=                    1) Number of rejection iterations
(low_rej=                   3.) Low sigma rejection factor
(high_re=                   3.) High sigma rejection factor
(grow   =                   0.) Rejection growing radius
(mode   =                   ql)

cc> ccdproc

cc> epar flatcombine

PACKAGE = ccdred
   TASK = flatcombine
input   =              @bf.lis  List of flat field images to combine
(output =           super_flat) Output flat field root name
(combine=               median) Type of combine operation
(reject =            avsigclip) Type of rejection
(ccdtype=                     ) CCD image type to combine
(process=                   no) Process images before combining?
(subsets=                   no) Combine images by subset parameter?
(delete =                   no) Delete input images after combining?
(clobber=                   no) Clobber existing output image?
(scale  =                 mode) Image scaling
(statsec=                     ) Image section for computing statistics
(nlow   =                    1) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh  =                    1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep  =                    1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip  =                  yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma =                   3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma =                   3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise=                  3.0) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain   =                  1.5) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise =                   0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(pclip  =                 -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(blank  =                   1.) Value if there are no pixels
(mode   =                   ql)

cc> flatcombine

Now we can use super_bias and super_flat files to make the reduction of the images.

cc> epar ccdproc

PACKAGE = ccdred
   TASK = ccdproc
images  =            @data.lis  List of CCD images to correct
(output =           @cdata.lis) List of output CCD images
(ccdtype=                     ) CCD image type to correct
(max_cac=                    0) Maximum image caching memory (in Mbytes)
(noproc =                   no) List processing steps only?

(fixpix =                   no) Fix bad CCD lines and columns?
(oversca=                   no) Apply overscan strip correction?
(trim   =                   no) Trim the image?
(zerocor=                  yes) Apply zero level correction?
(darkcor=                   no) Apply dark count correction?
(flatcor=                  yes) Apply flat field correction?
(illumco=                   no) Apply illumination correction?
(fringec=                   no) Apply fringe correction?
(readcor=                   no) Convert zero level image to readout correction?
(scancor=                   no) Convert flat field image to scan correction?
(readaxi=                 line) Read out axis (column|line)
(fixfile=                     ) File describing the bad lines and columns
(biassec=                     ) Overscan strip image section
(trimsec=                     ) Trim data section
(zero   =           super_bias) Zero level calibration image
(dark   =                     ) Dark count calibration image
(flat   =           super_flat) Flat field images
(illum  =                     ) Illumination correction images
(fringe =                     ) Fringe correction images
(minrepl=                   1.) Minimum flat field value
(scantyp=            shortscan) Scan type (shortscan|longscan)
(nscan  =                    1) Number of short scan lines

(interac=                   no) Fit overscan interactively?
(functio=             legendre) Fitting function
(order  =                    1) Number of polynomial terms or spline pieces
(sample =                    *) Sample points to fit
(naverag=                    1) Number of sample points to combine
(niterat=                    1) Number of rejection iterations
(low_rej=                   3.) Low sigma rejection factor
(high_re=                   3.) High sigma rejection factor
(grow   =                   0.) Rejection growing radius
(mode   =                   ql)

        And thats all !! we are finished with the calibration of the data.
        Now we will make the alignment and combining of the data, this will be helpful when we want to study dim objects. Since the observation of a specific field is being done by shift the the field of view a little to make possible the future correction of the bad pixel of cosmic ray events, we have to first align the images before combining them. To do this we have two tasks to complete, imalign and imcombine.
       Before executing the imalign task you will need to create some files : These are fisrt the list of images you will use to align, the list of the output image list, a reference frame to take as a reference to other frames and the coordinates of the sources which will be used to make the alignment. To obtain the coordinates you can use DS9.

cc>epar imalign

PACKAGE = immatch
   TASK = imalign
input   =           @im_list_1  Input images
referenc=  Reference image
coords  =             source_1  Reference coordinates file
output  =        @outim_list_1  Output images
(shifts =                     ) Initial shifts file
(boxsize=                    3) Size of the small centering box
(bigbox =                   25) Size of the big centering box
(negativ=                   no) Are the features negative ?
(backgro=                INDEF) Reference background level
(lower  =                INDEF) Lower threshold for data
(upper  =                INDEF) Upper threshold for data
(niterat=                    5) Maximum number of iterations
(toleran=                    0) Tolerance for convergence
(maxshif=                INDEF) Maximum acceptable pixel shift
(shiftim=                  yes) Shift the images ?
(interp_=               linear) Interpolant
(boundar=              nearest) Boundary type
(constan=                   0.) Constant for constant boundary extension
(trimima=                  yes) Trim the shifted images ?
(verbose=                  yes) Print the centers, shifts, and trim section ?
(list   =                     )
(mode   =                   ql)

        Here i should warn you about two parameters, bigbox and the boxsize these are important since the task will shift the images with these parameters. If you want it to be more accurate you should make the small centering box smaller. Also you should make the bigbox parameter big if you have a much shifted data. I have used these parameters to align 8 images and it works fine.

cc> epar imcombine

PACKAGE = immatch
   TASK = imcombine
input   =        @outim_list_1  List of images to combine
output  =              field_1  List of output images
(headers=                     ) List of header files (optional)
(bpmasks=                     ) List of bad pixel masks (optional)
(rejmask=                     ) List of rejection masks (optional)
(nrejmas=                     ) List of number rejected masks (optional)
(expmask=                     ) List of exposure masks (optional)
(sigmas =                     ) List of sigma images (optional)
(logfile=               STDOUT) Log file

(combine=                  sum) Type of combine operation
(reject =                 none) Type of rejection
(project=                   no) Project highest dimension of input images?
(outtype=                 real) Output image pixel datatype
(outlimi=                     ) Output limits (x1 x2 y1 y2 ...)
(offsets=                 none) Input image offsets
(masktyp=                 none) Mask type
(maskval=                   0.) Mask value
(blank  =                   0.) Value if there are no pixels

(scale  =                 none) Image scaling
(zero   =                 none) Image zero point offset
(weight =                 none) Image weights
(statsec=                     ) Image section for computing statistics
(expname=                 2400) Image header exposure time keyword

(lthresh=                INDEF) Lower threshold
(hthresh=                INDEF) Upper threshold
(nlow   =                    1) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh  =                    1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep  =                    1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip  =                  yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma =                   3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma =                   3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise=                  3.0) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain   =                  1.5) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise =                   0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(sigscal=                  0.1) Tolerance for sigma clipping scaling corrections
(pclip  =                 -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(grow   =                   0.) Radius (pixels) for neighbor rejection
(mode   =                   ql)

And thats all now we have a set of calibrated, alinged images and a combined one super image from those.

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